Where To Bet On 2020 Presidential Election

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Where To Bet On 2020 Presidential Election 9,4/10 8197 votes

The prospect of taking on a fatally wounded Trump for the presidency will tempt anyone with ambition. In an extremely open heat, for which could at least 20 names are plausible, here’s my current top-ten.

Beto O’Rourke

23, 2020: For the first time since the 2020 election ended, incumbent Joe Biden is favored to win reelection in 2024. At +400, he sits narrowly ahead of Vice-President Kamala Harris (+413). 10, 2020: The reelection odds for president elect Joe Biden improved from +663 to +413 over the past week as early money is backing the incumbent. The 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries and caucuses were a series of electoral contests organized by the Democratic Party to select the 3,979 pledged delegates to the 2020 Democratic National Convention held on August 17–20 to determine the party's nominee for president of the United States in the 59th U.S. Presidential election.

Many argue that the Democrat list lacks a standout candidate – a star. O’Rourke would perfectly fit that void. He combines Barack Obama’s politics and inspiring rhetoric with Bernie Sanders’ ability to attract huge crowds, and Bobby Kennedy’s looks. If anyone can drive turnout for the left – which may prove decisive in 2020 – it is Beto.

We don’t know whether he’ll run, but he will certainly be pressured to do so by the army of nationwide supporters built during a gallant campaign for Texas. Despite refusing corporate ‘PAC’ money in favour of small donors – a salient issue on the Left – he raised more than any Senatorial candidate in history. He drew enormous crowds everywhere and his narrow defeat read very well compared to other Democrat Senate contenders in pro-Trump states. The wider electorate is much more fertile.

I first tipped O’Rourke for president at 50.0 months ago and went in again at 17.0 after the mid-terms. That defeat leaves him free to run if and constant speculation is guaranteed. Hypothetical match-up polls will soon emerge and drive the narrative. I predict they’ll show O’Rourke beating Trump by double-digits.

Democrat Nominee odds:
2020 Presidential odds:

Kamala Harris

Where to bet on 2020 presidential election

Harris is top-rated in the betting and her chance is obvious. The party is becoming ever more diverse from top to bottom and there’s a very strong grassroots drive to pick female leaders. Critically, she is a Senator for California – whose primary will play a pivotal role from an earlier position on the schedule.

Given a high-profile role in the Senate, she won’t lack publicity. She’s very much on the front line in the bitter row over immigration and investigating Trump. However she is only one of several high-ranking women in contention and it isn’t clear yet that Harris has what it takes to stand out in a presidential primary.

Democrat Nominee odds:
2020 Presidential odds:

Sherrod Brown

Brown’s Senate defence in Ohio reads as good as any mid-term result. He won by 6.4% – up on 2012 despite the state moving notably away from the Democrats during that period. On the same night, they failed to win the Governorship. If flipping this state in a general election, the presidency would be assured.

Amid much excitement online, Brown has confirmed he’s seriously considering a run. He is firmly on the left of the party, closely allied to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, but backed Clinton and was apparently on her VP shortlist. A national stage is a big step up for this Ohio veteran but he’s well-placed to be the standard bearer for progressives and his white working-class support should terrify Trump.

Democrat Nominee odds:
2020 Presidential odds:

Kirsten Gillibrand

A high-profile experienced Senator from New York who has been among the most vocal MeToo campaigners. A strong resume on paper but Gillibrand alienated key supporters by criticising Bill Clinton and Al Franken over sexual abuse. Nevertheless everything about her behaviour points towards a run and perhaps those controversies will now work to her advantage.

Democrat Nominee odds:
2020 Presidential odds:

Amy Klobuchar

Another mid-terms star, Klobuchar retained her Minnesota Senate seat by 24%, thriving among all-important suburban women following a strong performance during the Kavanaugh hearings. Her profile is rising fast and she’s openly considering a run. Her state neighbours Iowa and her relatively moderate centrist style would be ideal to win Independents against Trump.

Democrat Nominee odds:
2020 Presidential odds:

Joe Biden

Don’t overstate Biden’s early poll lead. At this stage, the former VP enjoys a vast name recognition advantage and he is hugely popular. He’s also 76 and in a party where old, white men are out of fashion. I don’t expect ‘Uncle Joe’ to run but do expect he’ll enjoy teasing the media. If I’m wrong, though, he would destroy Trump.

Democrat Nominee odds:
2020 Presidential odds:

Elizabeth Warren

Warren’s low position may surprise. She is a darling of the Left and, with hindsight, should have taken on Clinton in 2016. However I’ve never been certain she had presidential ambitions and it feels increasingly like her chance has faded. She fares worse than rivals in head-to-head polls versus Trump and self-harmed when taking a DNA test to prove distant Native American heritage. I think she’ll hand Brown a massive endorsement.

Democrat Nominee odds:
2020 Presidential odds:

Bernie Sanders

Will Bernie try again? Like Warren, his decisions are keenly awaited. Now 77, Sanders remains the leader of a growing progressive movement and attracts huge crowds, but his preferred candidates didn’t fare so well in the mid-terms. I can envisage him winning primaries against this crowded field with a 35% vote share. I can equally see him backing Sherrod Brown – who has wider appeal and a less defined image.

Democrat Nominee odds:
2020 Presidential odds:

Michael Bloomberg

Here’s a wild-card. Formerly Republican Mayor of New York, Bloomberg has switched sides. Cash won’t be a problem for this self-financing billionaire, who would surely relish comparing his philanthropic record with Trump. Whilst his politics are probably not left enough for a Democrat primary, he oozes gravitas and could have a moderating impact in debates. Primary turnout will be huge, involving many independents, amongst whom he could play extremely well.

2020 Presidential odds:

Michael Avenatti

After 2016, we dismiss unconventional social media masters at our peril. Representing porn star Stormy Daniels may not be an obvious route to the presidency, but Avenatti became an overnight star, positioned as a ‘fighter for good’, leading The Resistance. In taking down Michael Cohen, he landed a blow on Trump that no politician has yet mustered. He seems near certain to run and, as Trump’s legal travails continue, will remain all over the media.

Democrat Nominee odds:
2020 Presidential odds:


Don’t believe the hype. Hillary Clinton won’t run and if she did, humiliating defeat awaits. Time has moved on. Cory Booker has been touring the key states and will likely run. The moves of Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper imply the same.

As Governor of Montana, Steve Bullock is another who has proved he can win in a Trump state. Finally former Attorney General Eric Holder seems to be dipping his toe in the water and could gain establishment backing from both Obama and Clinton supporters.


No Democratic Nominee can match Beto O’Rourke for star power and momentum. I’ve backed him several times and will continue doing so. However, his value has diminished significantly.

The remaining stand out bet is Sherrod Brown. I’m anticipating big support from Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, and am backing the Ohio Senator at big odds. He’s $30+ to just be nominated, where I mark him in single digits.


BACK Beto O’Rourke for the US Presidency at $9 or above

BACK Sherrod Brown for the Democratic Nominee at $20 or above
BACK Sherrod Brown for the US Presidency at $34 or above


Stossel Odds

The long road to the 2020 Presidential Election is almost over. While some people will be glad that it’s almost done, others are looking forward to it with the idea of betting on the outcomes. If you’re a member of that latter group, we’re here to help you find where to bet on the 2020 Presidential Election.

You might not realize that there is betting available on events beyond the realm of sports and casino games. In truth, there is a thriving pocket of the gambling industry focused on other events. For example, you can bet on entertainment events such as awards shows or anything else where the outcome is in doubt beforehand.

Which leads us, of course, to the 2020 Presidential Election. While pollsters are out in full force trying to predict the results to the most accurate possible level, we know that they aren’t always 100 percent on the nose. In fact, if you believed the polls four years ago, you were likely in for a big surprise the results poured in.

The 2020 Presidential Elections Could Go Either Way

As a result, the 2020 Presidential Election could be as hard to predict as any in the past. As a result, the 2020 Presidential Election could be as hard to predict as any in the past. Democratic challenger Joe Biden seems to have the edge in terms of the polls and betting odds. But President Donald Trump proved poll-proof four years ago, and it’s fair to wonder if he can pull of the same kind of upset again on the first Tuesday in November.

If you passionately follow everything political, you can use that knowledge to your advantage at top political betting sites on the internet. These sites most likely will give you access to making a wager on the 2020 Presidential Election. In fact, they’ll likely also have many more ways to bet on the results of that night besides just flat-out picking the winner.

In this article, we’re here to help you navigate the betting sites that will offer you ways to wager on the 2020 Presidential Election. We’ll give you a quick overview on the whole scene, including how the polling looks and some ways you can bet on that information. And then we’ll talk about what makes some betting sites better than others, so that you can make a wise choice.

Political Betting Odds

Best 2020 US Presidential Election Betting Sites

First things, first: Let’s help you find out where to bet on the 2020 Presidential Election. If you’re lucky enough to be near a casino sports book, you might find some that are giving odds on the event. But, for the most part, it’s hard to place a physical bet on such the Election.

That’s why, for the most part, the 2020 Presidential Election, in terms of betting on it, is the domain of gambling websites. These sites will take your bets and pay you out if you correctly predict the results. But you shouldn’t go into the choice hastily.

After all, you’ll be trusting these folks with your money and your personal and financial information. You should find 2020 Presidential Election betting sites that are trustworthy, honest and reliable. Here is our list of the best gambling websites on the internet right now:

How do we know that these 2020 Presidential Election betting sites are the best?

We did the research, checking out the positives and negatives of all the most popular gambling sites. In addition, we used the feedback given by expert gamblers to make up the list.

Where To Bet On 2020 Presidential Election

Later on in the article, we’ll explain to you the methodology we use to choose these sites. It’s important for you to know, because we want you to find a site that’s just right for your particular demands and needs.

Betting on the 2020 Presidential Election

In terms of betting on the 2020 Presidential Election, there are many elements to it that sports fans will recognize. You can make the main wager pitting one candidate against the other. And you could also make specialty wagers surrounding the Election.

Each 2020 Presidential Election betting site will likely give odds that are somewhat similar to one another for these various bets. You might find that some offer different wagers than others. It’s a good thing to scout the sites out for these various specifics before proceeding.

It’s also important to see what kind of betting limits these sites have in terms of minimums and maximum wagers. You don’t want to sign up and find out that you have to put more into it than you wish. And, by contrast, you don’t want to find that you can’t get the action you want because of a maximum wager on the action.

Trump Versus Biden Bet

Just about every 2020 Presidential Election will have, as its main focus, the simple question of who will win between President Trump and challenger Joe Biden. But, if you’ve never bet on sports before, you might not be familiar with the concept of the money line, which, in a way, makes the bet even on both sides.

You’ll see, when you get to a betting site that offers the 2020 Presidential Election, that there are numbers listed next to both candidates, with a plus or a minus in front of it. The candidate with the minus sign in front of the number is considered the favorite, while the one with the plus in front of the number is the underdog.

How does the money line work? Well, let’s say you encounter a site that offers odds of -150 on Biden and +170 on Trump, for just one hypothetical example. That means the following:

  • A $150 wager on Biden will earn you a return of $100 if he wins the election
  • A $100 wager on Trump will earn you a return of $170 if he wins the election

Money lines always use the base of $100 to sort out the wagers. That doesn’t mean you have those amounts listed above. You can wager any amount above the minimum and below the maximum listed for each site.

But the ratio of 150/100 for Biden and 100/170 for Trump will govern the payback for whatever bet that you make. Once you make your wager at 2020 Presidential Election, you will lock in these odds. Anything that might change the overall odds leading up to the election will not have any effect on your wager.

Specialty Bets

These are the bets where you can dive into all of the separate areas of the election. You can make these bets in conjunction with picking who you think will win or leave them as separate entities. In any case, these wagers help to put a finer point on how the 2020 Presidential Election will shake down.

For Example:

One of the wagers circulating regards the Electoral votes that will ultimately determine the election. Each candidate will have an over/under level that is set by the gambling site. You can choose whether they will win more or less than that predetermined level.

Along the same lines, you can also try to determine how many states each man will win. This might be able to be bet as an over/under or as a straight bet where you are given odds on a certain man winning a certain amount of states. Get ready to study all those projection maps with blue (for Democrat) or red (for Republican) colors if you want to make one of these wagers at 2020 Presidential Election.

One other interesting wager circulating on many of these sites has to do with when the loser of the election will concede. Normally, this might seem like a pretty cut and dry choice, since you might assume that most concessions happen on Election Night or, at latest, the next morning.

But keep in mind that this year figures to be a much different election because of the expected increase in mail-in votes. Because many of these mail-in votes will be counted in so-called “battleground” states that could turn the election one way or another, any type of confusion or delay in counting ballots could also lead to a contested election. And that might push the concession much further down the line.

As you start to check out different 2020 Presidential Election, you might find even more intricate ways to bet on the proceedings. The bottom line is that you should only choose to bet on things that you feel comfortable with projecting with some sort of certainty.

Factors You Should Consider When Betting the 2020 Presidential Election

  • Polls: While not always accurate (as 2016 proved), they could still give you an idea of the way the political winds are blowing.
  • History: You can look to past elections to see if any trends are forming that might give you an idea of how 2020 will turn out.
  • States Results: Remember that the election is not decided by how many voters are in favor of one candidate or the other nationwide, but rather by how the states are decided and how Electoral votes get parceled out.

How to Choose 2020 Presidential Election Betting Sites

We gave you a list above of what we feel are the best places where you can bet on the 2020 Presidential Election. But, if you choose to do the research on your own, here are some of the characteristics you should be seeking out as you choose these sites:

  • Variety: You might want to choose a site that has the biggest spread of 2020 Presidential Election bets available to you. Going beyond that, you might have in mind to bet beyond the election, in which case you should be looking for sites with varied sports book and casino offerings.
  • Bonuses: When you sign up to wager on the 2020 Presidential Election, you should expect the site in question to add a little something extra for your business. Shop around to find the best bonuses offered.
  • Banking: You’ll be trusting the site with your money and expecting timely payback. If you choose a site that isn’t reliable, you could regret it when you try to make some kind of betting transaction and find that you can’t do it.
  • Customer Service: If any problems occur with your bets at these websites, you’ll want to make sure that someone addresses those problems. The best real money betting websites can offer that to you.
  • Mobile Betting: We are in an age where betting on the go is a must-have. Find a 2020 Presidential Election betting site that has some sort of app component so that this can happen for you.


We hope that you have a better idea now of where to bet on the 2020 Presidential Election. And we also hope that you understand the process of betting on the election as well as how these sites operate. At the end of what could me a most memorable Election Night, we hope that your bets turn out to be winners.

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