Is There A Way To Win At Slots

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  1. Best Slot Machines To Win On
  2. Is There A Way To Win Online Slots

New slot machine players are going to find a lot of advice for beating the slots. Have a healthy skepticism when a slots expert tells you they know how to beat the slot machines. Among the games in a casino, video slots (in general) have a high house edge. Besides finding gaming machines with high jackpots and a low house edge, no skill or strategy is required to play slots. That means you can’t expect to increase your odds of winning in most situations.

Read through the advice below to optimize your chances of winning at slots. None of the advice assures winning sessions. Instead, it helps you stretch your bankroll, so you enjoy playing the slots longer. Also, the longer your bankroll lasts, the more chances you’ll have of hitting the big jackpot every slots player wants.

Is there really a way to win at slots

Use a Slots Card

Upon entering a live casino, sign up for a slots card. This provides comps and cashback, which automatically lowers the house edge by a bit. Never play a spin without using your slots card. In an online casino, accept the highest slots bonus and play according to the terms and conditions until you meet the wagering requirement. Once again, this lowers the house edge on online slots.

Make Max Bets

We interviewed some frequent slot players and casino workers. We got these inside tips on how to increase your chances of winning. You won't want to miss thi. CasinoToday’s how to win on slot machines guide consists of four chapters that are purposely curated to make it easier for players to work through. While this guide covers a range of topics, they are all tied together with the underlying foundation that is winning on slots.

Look at the payout chart on a slot machine to determine how jackpots are paid. On many slot machines, the 5-coin bet pays out a higher percentage on the top fixed jackpot. For instance, a 1-coin bet might pay $200, a 2-coin bet might pay $400, a 3-coin bet might pay $600, and a 4-coin bet might pay $800. You might expect the 5-coin bet to pay $1000, but many slot machines pay out $1200 or $1500 in that case, trying to convince bettors to make the max bet.

If the jackpot increases a bigger percentage with a maximum coin wager, then it makes sense to make the max bet on a slot machine. If the bet size is too high for your tastes, then lower the coin denomination and make a max bet at that level. Of course, if there is no additional jump between the 4-coin and 5-coin bet, then you can wager a single coin and max out the coin denomination to the bet size you like.

Read the RTP Information

If an online casino or land-based casino publishes its return-to-player information, read through the RTP percentages to find the video slots with the best RTPs. Return-to-player or expected return is the percentage of a theoretical $100 you expect to see returned to you. It is a theoretical percentage based on probability, so an RTP of 95% does not assure you’ll be paid $95 for every $100 you put in the machine. You might lose $50 or you might win $150, or you might win a progressive jackpot and go home rich.


The point of the RTP percentage is to give a player an idea of their expected return. If two slot machines sit next to one another and one has an RTP of 93% and the other an RTP of 95% (and both have similar jackpots), then it pays to play the game with the higher percentage. Over time, this leads to you maintaining a higher percentage of your bankroll.

Money Management Techniques

Read about bankroll management techniques. “Money management” or “bankroll management” is a series of steps you take to lock on winnings when good luck happens and limit your losses when a bad streak occurs. These do not assure that you’ll win, but it optimizes your bankroll.

Players should know three core bankroll management methods: percentage betting, win goals, and loss limits. Learn to calculate your bankroll and divide this into percentages. Then bet between 1% and 5% of your bankroll on any given hand, depending on your capacity for risk. This limits the amount of your stake you lose on any given session, keeping you playing for longer throughout your vacation. It is a given that people go to the ATM machine or credit card when they lose their whole bankroll — which means you spend more than you intended. The point of percentage betting is to assure your bankroll last through your whole trip, so you never have to replenish.

What Is a Bankroll?

“Bankroll” is not defined as your entire bank account. It isn’t defined as your discretionary spending budget or the money you have earmarked for entertainment expenses. Instead, it is a part of your discretionary spending cash and entertainment budget which is set aside specifically for gambling. In this case, a bankroll is less than your entertainment budget.

Once you have your bankroll figured, divide this into easy to understand percentage. If you have a bankroll of $1000, then divide this into percentages. These are simple calculations, but you should have an understanding of 1%, 2%, 5%, 10%, and 20% of your bankroll. In the earlier example, 1% would be $10, while 2% would be $20. 5% would be $50, 10% would be $100, and 20% would be $200.

Now that you have these, decide whether to bet 1% to 5% of your bankroll. Most experts suggest betting no more than 1% to 2% in order to maintain your bankroll throughout your casino trip or online slots session.

Setting a Win Goal

Next, set your win goal. This is the amount of winnings you set as your goal for any given slots session. If you have a win goal of 10%, then your win goal would be $100 for any given slot machine sessions. As soon as you hit that goal, you walk away from the slot machine — no matter what. A win goal is a hard-and-fast rule, because it locks in winnings. One of the biggest mistakes players make is losing back their winnings, because they think they’re on a hot streak.

Setting a Loss Limit

Even more dangerous is trying to win back cash you just loss. To protect against this tendency, set a loss limit. Once again, make this your hard-and-fast rule. Typical loss limits can be 5%, 10%, 15%, or 20% — though 20% means you could lose the entire bankroll in 5 slots session. 10% to 15% is a good middle ground. Once you’ve lost that amount, walk away from the slot machine under all circumstances. The slots game is not “due” to pay out, so step away from the machine and clear your mind.

Win goals and loss limits guard against gambler’s fallacy. Gambler’s fallacy is the idea that the law of averages assures or weight the odds in your favor. Slots use random number generators and every spin is entirely separate from the previous spin. Losing the last spin does not make it more likely you’ll win the next spin. The odds stay the same, no matter how many wins or losses in a row you’ve had.

Avoid Progressive Betting

For that reason, avoid progressive betting systems like the Martingale system, D’Alembert system, Fibonacci system, and so on. Betting experts have used computer simulations to track the progressive betting methods against flat betting (same bet each spin). Flat betting beats all of the progressive betting schemes over 1 billion spins.

Progressive betting seems like it’s working, because it leads to a lot of small winning sessions. The problem is that it also has a handful of huge losing sessions which wipe out all the wins — and then some. You can’t beat the house edge with the Martingale system, however it might look to the naked eye. The Fibonacci numbers are incredible, but they are not a magical way to beat the casino.

The reason progressive bets are bad is they increase the size of your bets (in some systems exponentially). If you start with $5 or $10 bets, a streak of bad luck has you betting hundreds of dollars on one spin. That’s busts your bankroll and leads to a “risk of ruin” — meaning you’ll lose your whole bankroll if you hit a bad luck streak. No matter what you read online, flat bets are better.

Take Breaks for Rest and Refreshments

Play when you are at your best physically and mentally. Don’t play when you’re tired or sleepy. Don’t play when you’re hungry or thirsty. Take frequent rest and restroom breaks. If you get bored, take a break and walk the casino. Play another game to change up the betting pattern.

When you are rested and engaged, you won’t have distractions that might lead to bad decisions. The idea is to have fun, so if anything is causing you to lose focus on the entertainment aspect of the game, walk away and save your bankroll.


Don’t Go on Tilt

Tilt is a concept in poker where a player makes decisions based on emotional responses instead of solid strategy. It can cost a player a lot of money if they make bets based on anything but rational decisions. While going on tilt is not a concept in slot machine gambling, every game of chance has a personal component.

In short, don’t play when you’re agitated. Take stock of your inner thoughts. If your ego or anger is causing you to make irrational decisions, take a deep breath and calm down. If that doesn’t work, walk away and clear your head. It stinks to lose a series of bets, but what stinks more is to lose a series of bigger bets when you’re trying to make up for lost bankroll.

Secrets are irresistible, provocative pieces of information that involve anticipatory excitement. We all want to hear one, and we crave those that can provide a competitive edge, especially when a financial benefit is at play.

Online slots have been around since the mid-1990s, and today they have drastically evolved from the three-reel machines found on casino floors. Over the past two decades, players loaded their pockets and experienced heavy doses of thrills via these reel spinners. Below we try to reveal some advice that we hope will prove most useful on your path to gaming riches.

Page Contents

Secret to Win at Online Slots

When it comes to slot secrets, most articles will talk about game specs and the proper use of strategy. However, we are going to focus on something that is rarely discussed, Expected Value Calculators.

What is an EV calculator? It is a mathematical formula that figures out the average profitability of a promotional offer. You can know, before depositing, how likely you are to benefit from an alluring promo from casino sites.

Welcome offers are the bread-and-butter of online casino marketing, the principal tool in an operator’s toolbox. You may see a generous welcome bonus, but at first sight, you cannot know if it will help you come out ahead. For that, you need an EV calculator, software that works out a bonus’ average profitability. All you have to do is enter parameters such as the deposit to qualify for the offer, the bonus amounts, the number of free spins, the wagering requirement, and the RTP of the slot you plan on playing. Then, you click – Calculate.

Review websites like use this tool to rank their best online slot casinos as featured on the landing page. Rankings may shift as sites change their bonus offers.

Many free such calculators are out there, but there are also ones that subscription betting services provide. Naturally, the ones that cost money are better and have more advanced features. For instance, a paid EV calculator may be able to run simulations of more than 100,000 spins on the slot of your choice, so it will give you accurate numbers, estimates of the losses or profits that await, on average. Depending on the method and algorithm the calculator uses, it may also provide the Bust Rate (how often you are likely to bust on the deal before turning a profit) and how much time, on average, you will need to complete the wagering requirement. You can use different techniques, fiddle with settings such as the stake size to find the appropriate strategy moving forward. EV calculators are an indispensable aid to any player.

Expert Tips and Hacks

Everyone wants to know tricks that will help them win at slots. The truth is that there is little you can do to tilt the odds in your favor on a single spin. It’s all random, and a complex algorithm decides where the reels will land and what symbols they will show. However, there are a few things you should know about that make a difference.

First off, a slot’s RTP may vary from site to site. For newbies, the RTP, or return-to-player, signifies how much of the bet amount the game will pay back over time. Almost all developers publicly publish the RTPs of their games. That said, because a review site lists a return-to-player of 97%, that doesn’t mean that it will payout at that rate at the casino you’ve selected, as operators may be able to adjust this percentage. If you play at a reputable platform, one with a top regulatory body license, this percentage cannot fall below a specific number.

You should also pay attention to denomination payout ratios. At some games, the win potential may correlate to your bet size. For example, when you bet pennies, the payout ratio (RTP) may drop, and the same may apply for the max win potential, so you may not be eligible for big wins by making small bets.

Also, as a rule of thumb, games with higher minimum bet limits tend to feature higher RTPs.

We suggest studying the paytable, consider your budget, and plot out a course of action. In our opinion, you should make smaller wagers on multiple paylines per spin if you aim to be profitable. A payline is a line, zig-zagged or straight, that makes the game payout a particular multiplier win when a specific combination of symbols land on it. Naturally, the more active lines, the better your chances of winning become. The most commonly offered number of paylines is 15, 30, 50, 243, 1,024, and 4,096. If you have restricted financial resources, look for a game that allows for flexible bet sizes and adjustable lines.

If you have a decent-sized bankroll, look into implementing progressive betting systems. Though, to do so, you’ll have to find the right game, one that has a high max bet limit, so that you can eventually recoup your investment. Check out the 20 + 20 slot betting strategy and standard deviation one as well. It’s important to know that things may get out of hand fast, so utilize proper money management.

Also, always be on the lookout for no deposit coupon codes. Seeing as the iGaming sphere is such a competitive market, some casinos offer no deposit bonuses, free playing money. You can do some research, find five or six such sites, claim these offers, and spin more than a hundred times for free. Each spin will have a max win amount that’s not very big, but it will cost you nothing to play.

Strategy to Win the Jackpot

In reality, there is no legit strategy to win such a prize. The games that offer these mega rewards can either be local or progressive. The progressive ones tie into a network where the prize pool grows from bets made on the same slot on multiple platforms. The best way to think about such titles is to look at them as a lottery.

These games will usually feature some of the industry’s worst RTPs, and their max win potential is weaker than other titles. Mega Moolah, the most famous jackpot slot, has an RTP of only 88%. The reason behind this is that the mega prize is their main allure. To win it, you’ll likely have to wager the max amount. You must check if you are betting enough to be eligible for the jackpot. If you are not, you’re wasting your time. However, do not go overboard and set a loss limit. Casino-poker variants may also feature jackpots, so if you’re not doing good at slots, perhaps a game where you can utilize a little skill may be a better choice.

How to Use the Bonus the Right Way

The central aspect of any casino bonus is its wagering requirement, which is the multiplier that tells you how many times you’ll need to play through a bonus before you can withdraw any winnings. For example, if the bonus gives you $100 and has an x30 requirement, you’ll need to bet $3,000 to remove winnings from your account. You will also have to complete the requirement with real money before getting access to the bonus cash. A slot bonus will usually feature a deadline, and not all games will contribute the same toward fulfilling this stipulation. Check the terms as a casino may restrict high RTP titles from such an offer.

Seeing as you’ll likely need to land wins that total around 300-400 times your bet, it is wise to begin playing high volatility games, ones that can yield big rewards. If things are not going your way, you should switch to low volatility slots that payout frequently but in low amounts.

Know that you can refuse a bonus and that it may be possible to forfeit it. You may want to do so if you have hit a big win and seek to withdraw that amount in the latter case.

Best Slot Machines To Win On

Summing Up

Is There A Way To Win Online Slots

There are only a few secrets we can tell you that will improve your winning odds when spinning reels online. The main one is to look into EV calculators and do the math on every promotion that catches your eye. Then, study slot characteristics, paytables, and map out a path that will include your session time, budget, the alternation of active paylines, and your betting strategy. Though always remember that slots are games of chance and that the casino has the edge.